The art of looking good whatever you wear

We all want to look our best when we leave the house, whether we’re going out to work, a party where we have carefully looked through the Maxi Dresses available and selected the one we like, from places like or just to the shops. However, it’s unrealistic for everyone to have a model figure that’s perfectly slim and toned. For the rest of us, we often need a little bit of help to enable us to look our best. This could be through simply wearing the right underwear, having a correctly fitted bra or undergoing a surgical procedure.

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Both women and men struggle with their body image, even if they don’t have any real reason to feel this way. Some 80% of men are negative about their body image, with 75% of women also feeling this way. This negativity can lead to feelings of anxiousness and prevent people from living their lives to the full. There are ways that you can alter your image, whether on a temporary or more permanent basis.

Using body shaping underwear

Having the right type of underwear can alter how an outfit looks and feels. If you choose the wrong pieces it can lead to lumpy sections or cause the outfit to not sit properly on you. Body shaping underwear can provide a smoother and more toned appearance. Depending on the type of underwear you choose, they work by slimming the thighs, lifting your bum and flattening the stomach, so that your clothes fit and hang better. These are ideal when you’ve got a special occasion and you just want a temporary lift to help you feel better about yourself.

Choose the right size lingerie

Wearing the wrong size bra can seriously affect a woman’s confidence. However, there are still thousands of women across the country who are opting to wear one that’s far too small or large for them. Research commissioned by Triumph found that 73% of women said that ill-fitting lingerie damaged their self-confidence, but 76% still wear an incorrectly sized bra. If you’re fitted properly for a bra, it will help to give you a better figure, without any bulgy bits, so that you can enhance what you already have.

Are you considering surgery?

If you’re looking for a more permanent option to help you look your best, then there are a range of cosmetic surgery options available. It’s important to consider these carefully, as the procedure produces a permanent effect and it’s not just as simple as taking off your underwear at the end of the day.

Vaser liposuction is growing in popularity, largely due to its benefits for patients. This is a procedure that removes stubborn fat pockets across the body, which you can’t alter by exercising alone, to give you a more sculptured look. The advantages are that there is a minimal inconvenience in terms of recovery and there is less discomfort when compared with other procedures.

Once you feel better about yourself, whether you’re wearing the latest underwear or you’ve had cosmetic surgery, you’ll gain in confidence. Body image is a large part of our belief in ourselves and if we know we look good we’re more likely to have a confident persona.

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